Bakery, Restaurants & Take Out


Trish's Bakery

Patricia Staples, Prop.
1654 Main Road
Phippsburg, ME 04562
(207) 389-2313
An artisan bakery, offering a wide selection of buttery crust pies. Made with care, using all natural and local ingredients. Open year round. Taste one today!!

Spinney's Restaurant
987 Popham Rd. at Fort Popham
Phippsburg, ME 04562
(207) 389-1122

Anna's Water’s Edge Restaurant

Anna's Facebook Page

Anna Varian Little, Prop.

75 Black’s Landing Road
PO Box 156
Sebasco Estates, ME 04565

(207) 389-1803

Casual, seasonal restaurant on mouth of the New Meadows River featuring the freshest seafood, select steaks, pasta, poultry, salads, homemade chowders, soups and desserts. Family owned and operated since 1979.

Bisson's Store

Bisson's Facebook Page
Main Road
Phippsburg, ME 04562
(207) 389-1884)
Pizza and Sandwiches