Hazardous Waste Options for Residents
State Hazardous Waste Programs
Riverside Recycling accepts household hazardous waste (HHW) on the 1st Saturday of the month (April through November.) Collection occurs from 7:30AM to 1PM. This program is open to all Maine residents disposing of Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) from their residence. Residential customers will be charged $6.50 per gallon for liquid wastes or $3.50 per pound for solid wastes. Unfortunately, we cannot accept hazardous waste from businesses or municipalities.
Hazardous Waste – Riverside Recycling (riversiderecycles.com)
On the third Saturday of each month May through October Maine residents or property owners can bring HHW to the Environmental Depot located at 424 River Road in Lewiston from 8:00 - 11:45 am.
Household Hazardous Waste | Androscoggin Valley Council of Governments, ME (avcog.org)
Paint Care
PaintCare allows you to drop off used and open paint at various locations throughout the state at any time of year for free. Please follow the link for more information and drop off locations.
Used Motor Oil
The following facilities are currently accepting used motor oils. Please call ahead and bring no more than 10-20 gallons at a time.
Bert's Irving P.O. Box 309 82 Leeman Highway Bath, Me 04530 207-443-2497
D.R. Coffins Garage 150 State Rd. West Bath, Me 04530 207-443-6411
Batteries and Cellphones
and here: