Doug Alexander

Harbor Commission


Meets the second Monday of January, May and October 6:00 p.m. at the Town Hall.


We want to recognize and commend Doug Alexander’s many years of honest and faithful service to the Town and its citizens. HM Alexander served in the role as Harbor Master for over 20 years and had a wealth of knowledge to share with up-and-coming Harbor Masters. He will be greatly missed, but not forgotten.





Moorings are now online!

Mooring Renewal Instructions

Step #1 - Access your online renewal application(s)

- Using your web browser, go to

- In the "My Applications" area, enter the access code listed next to your application below and click the Access button.
- In the "My Applications" area, your application will appear.  Click "Renew". 

Step #2 - Complete your application(s)

- All required fields are marked with an asterisk. (*)

- Upload any required attachments (proof of residency, driver's license, etc.)

- Review and check the box "I have read and accept these terms", Click Next.

Step #3 - Pay for your application(s)

- Select a payment method.

- If you choose to pay online, you will be redirected to Stripe where you may pay by card.

- If you choose to submit payment by mail, you will receive an email with instructions.


Beginning January 1st, 2025, the new annual fee is $50 for residents, $75 taxpayers, and $125 for non-taxpayers and rental moorings. The annual fee is waived for one commercial watercraft owned by a Phippsburg resident or taxpayer, with a valid commercial license. There is a $25 late fee for filing a renewal after July 31st.