Dog Licensing Information

About Licensing
Dog licensing ensures rabies vaccination, which protects the health of your pet. Licensing your dog directly helps fight animal cruelty and abuse, 90% of dog license fees goes directly to the Maine Animal Welfare Program. Dog license fees account for 95% of the State Animal Welfare Program’s entire funding and without these fees, the state would be unable to protect the animals of this state.

All dogs six months and older must have a license. If you become the owner of a dog six months or older, the dog must be licensed by January of each year. In order to obtain a license for your dog, the owner must present a current State of Maine Rabies Certificate obtained from a veterinarian. This certificate will verify that your dog has received its rabies shot within the past two years.

Renewing the License
All dog licenses expire December 31st, of each year. Renewal of licenses for the following year can be done at the City Clerk’s /Tax Collectors Office beginning in the middle of October of each calendar year. If your dog has been “fixed” since it was last licensed, bring proof of spaying/neutering from your veterinarian.  If you have already shown this proof to the department, additional proof is not necessary.

Dog Licensing Fees

  • $6 per year for spayed / neutered dogs (altered)
  • $11 per year for dogs not spayed / neutered (unaltered)
  • $30 per year for a nuisance dog
  • $100 per year for a dangerous dog
  • $25 late fee per dog starting February 1 of each year

How to Obtain a License
In person:  Visit the City Clerk’s/Tax Collector’s office our regular business hours, are Monday through Friday from 7:45 AM to 4:30 PM.  Please bring the current State of Maine rabies certificate and (if the dog is “fixed”) proof of spaying/neutering.


Online: You may also register your dog online at State Online Dog Licensing, this service does cost an additional $1 fee and your license will be mailed to you. 

Dog Licenses are available starting October 15th each year.


One question which comes up frequently is: “How would the Town know that I had a dog?”  Since 2007, veterinarian offices must provide certificates of rabies vaccination to the State Office of Animal Welfare. The agency forwards the owner’s contact information and animal’s record to the city/town in which the dog owner lives. Municipal Clerks must record the dog’s record within the town’s licensing program and forward a list of unlicensed dogs to the local animal control officer or police department.