Affordable Housing Committee

We had our first meeting in December 2023.  Our first meetings were educational with speakers from Bath Housing Authority in December and from the Genesis Fund in January.  There are many programs to help with affordable housing involving various levels of assistance.  We will need more study by the committee to sort all of these out.
                We talked to Real Estate brokers about the actual needs for affordable housing in Phippsburg and the consensus was that there is a definite lack of availability.  We talked to employers and found that there is a shortage which is causing the employees to travel farther to work.
                It was determined that the committee had a purpose and should continue with it’s work.  In order to guide us we created our mission statement presented here.
Mission Statement
                We also created a vision statement to list some of the things that need to be accomplished by the committee.  It was decided to get permission from the Town to establish an Affordable Housing Trust that would be a 501 C 3 nonprofit that would be eligible to receive grants and gifts that could be used for planning and engineering.
Vision Statement
                Some of our next efforts will be expended sorting out the outside agencies with resources and deciding which ones will be of the most benefit to us.  We will be investigating how many sources of funding are available and which ones fit our plans.
                We will have to find how this funding will best be used for the greatest benefit.  We will start looking for appropriate land parcels that would economically fit our planning.